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Wednesday 11 February 2015

Show 42 - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


Neil and I both had to pinch ourselves when we received confirmation of our latest Merlin's Diary podcast guest. Desmond Tutu is Emeritus Archbishop of Cape Town, he's a former Nobel Peace prize winner and an honorary member of the global council of elders. His courageous and tireless work to help the voice of blacks be heard during 80s Apartheid South Africa has helped him to stand alongside the world's foremost human rights activists such as Nelson Mandela, Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. Today, in his 80s, he continues to work on helping to improve the wellbeing of people and the wellbeing of the planet.

We timed this interview's release with the 25th anniversary of Nelson Mandela's release from 27 years in jail. That release happened on the 11th February 1990.

We try to meet our guests fully in the now and they always seem genuinely inspired by our questions and the deepening that ensues. It was wonderful to hear later, from The Archbishop's personal assistant,  that he had been completely charmed by the whole interview experience. The audio track at the end is Mozart's 'Laudate Dominum' performed by Edith Mathis, Straatskapella Dresden, Bernhard Klee. Listen, enjoy and share.

Photos courtesy of (from top down) Elke Wetzig, Tutufoundation USA, TVCNews

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